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DC Police Prospect Day Application: please choose the position you would like to apply for, below.
Police Officer: Apply Now
Prospect Day is a required step in the application process. This is NOT an information session. Prospect Day allows allows you to complete multiple steps of the application process in one day without having to make separate trips to the department.
Police Officer - Single Trip Entry Program (STEP): Learn More
STEP is designed for police officer applicants who live MORE THAN 300 miles from Washington, DC calculated from the United States Capitol Washington, DC 20004. You will complete a portion of the application process virtually. Upon successful completion of the virtual process, you will make one trip to DC to complete the Physical Ability Test, Medical Exam, and Polygraph.
Cadet Corps & High School Cadet: Apply Now
The MPD Police Cadet Corps is a specialized program for 17- to 24-year-olds to serve part-time as uniformed civilian employees. As a member of the Cadet Corps, you will be on track to enter MPD’s Police Officer Recruit Program. Serving as a cadet will afford you the opportunity to learn hands-on about policing while attending college and earning college credits.
The Cadet Corps High School Program is designed to prepare high school seniors for entrance into the full-time Cadet Corps. This program enables high school seniors to complete their senior year of school while working part-time for the Metropolitan Police Department Cadet Corps. This part-time option will provide students with unique opportunities to develop their leadership skills, participate in physical training, and learn about policing.
Prospect Day is a required step in the application process. This is NOT an information session. Prospect Day allows allows you to complete multiple steps of the application process in one day without having to make separate trips to the department.
Reserve Officer: Apply Now
The Reserve Corps is made up of over 100 women and men who make a significant contribution to DC policing while maintaining other careers or retirement. Members of the Reserve Corps receive full law enforcement training and serve on patrol functions. Reserve police officers also contribute in almost every capacity within the Metropolitan Police Department.