Cadet Corps & High School Cadet

Cadet Corps & High School Cadet

Cadet Corps & High School Cadet: 

The MPD Police Cadet Corps is a specialized program for 17- to 24-year-olds to serve part-time as uniformed civilian employees. As a member of the Cadet Corps, you will be on track to enter MPD’s Police Officer Recruit Program. Serving as a cadet will afford you the opportunity to learn hands-on about policing while attending college and earning college credits.

The Cadet Corps High School Program is designed to prepare high school seniors for entrance into the full-time Cadet Corps. This program enables high school seniors to complete their senior year of school while working part-time for the Metropolitan Police Department Cadet Corps. This part-time option will provide students with unique opportunities to develop their leadership skills, participate in physical training, and learn about policing.

Please register for one of our upcoming events: